Roberts 10-26 Laminate Flooring Installation Kit

10-26 Laminate Flooring Installation Kit by Roberts


Roberts 10-26 Laminate Flooring Installation Kit

Created for the do-it-yourself installer

For installing glue or glueless laminate and hardwood flooring

Kit contains: 30 Spacers, Tapping Block and Pull Bar

Roberts 10-26 Laminate Flooring Installation Kit

As the laminate and hardwood flooring market continues to expand, Roberts has developed an entry level Flooring Installation Kit created for the Do-It-Yourself Installer. The kit comes complete with a hard plastic tapping block, a wide angle pull bar and 30 spacers - the 3 essential tools for installing glue or glueless laminate and hardwood flooring.


Each spacer is 1/4" wide at its widest point, and by placing two or more spacers together it is possible to adjust the amount of expansion space up to 9/16" by simply adding another spacer. The spacers have serrated edges that lock them into the correct position once a board is placed against them.

Pull Bar

The pull bar is designed with a wide angle end for better force distribution when pulling planks together on the ends of the flooring when there is no room for a tapping block.

Tapping Block

The tapping block evenly distributes forces from the hammer when tapping planks together, preventing splintering and other damage.

The Roberts 10-26 is a great DIY Flooring Installation Kit to get your project started.

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