Schluter Systems Kerdi Waterproofing Membrane Sheet

Kerdi Waterproofing Membrane Sheet by Schluter Systems


Schluter Systems Kerdi Waterproofing System Membrane sold per square foot schluter set

  • Kerdi Membrane for waterproofing your shower wall and floors
  • The width of each sheet is 3.29 feet or 39.5"
  • Order as many square feet as you need
  • Enter your square footage in the Qty box

Consider an alternative product

PSC Pro WP Waterproofing Membrane per SF

  • Less Expensive
  • Better permeability rating

Kerdi Waterproofing Membrane Sold per Square Foot


This is Kerdi Membrane sold by the Square Foot. The width of each sheet is 3.29 feet or 39.5".

To calculate square footage, take Inches length x width needed and divide by 144 and round up. If working with feet, take your linear feet needed and multiply by 3.3 and round up. For example, 5 Linear feet x 3.3 feet width = 16.5 SF round up to 17 SF to order.


Schluter-KERDI is a bonded waterproof membrane with limited crack-bridging capabilities. It is made of soft polyethylene, which is covered on both sides with a special fleece webbing to anchor the membrane in the thin-set mortar.

Schluter-KERDI was developed as a waterproofing membrane to be used in conjunction with ceramic and stone tile coverings. Tiles can be installed directly on Schluter-KERDI using the thin-bed method. Other trowel-applied covering materials, such as plaster, can also be used.

Pre-cut sections of Schluter-KERDI are available for inside and outside corners, as well as for pipe collars. Use Schluter-KERDI-BAND, in widths of 5" (12.5 cm), 7-1/4" (18.5 cm), or 10" (25 cm) to seal butt joints or corner joints. Schluter-KERDI-FLEX, in 5" (12.5 cm) or 10" (25 cm) widths, is used to seal expansion joints or flexible edge joints.

Installation sequence

Kerdi membrane Install Step 1

1. Apply a thin-set mortar that is suitable for the substrate.

Kerdi membrane Install Step 2

2. Press Schluter-KERDI fully into the mortar.

Schluter shower Kerdi membrane Install Step 3

3. Work the KERDI into the mortar by applying pressure to the membrane with a flat side of the trowel.

Schluter Kerdi shower Install Step 4

4. Tile can be installed over Schluter-KERDI using an unmodified thin-set mortar.

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