Toucans Decorative Antique Ceramic Tile Mosaic 4 x 4
Toucans Decorative Antique Ceramic Tile Mosaic 4x4
4" x 4" Antique Ceramic tile
Antique ceramic tile from the 1940's
Made in France
limited quantity available
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General shipping InformationKeywords: antique, ceramic, decorative, mosaic, tile, toucans, antique ceramic tile, emaux de briare, Toucans, Decorative, Antique, Ceramic, Mosaic, France, limited, quantity, available
Description: Toucans Decorative Antique Ceramic Tile Mosaic 4x4. 4" x 4" Antique Ceramic tile. Antique ceramic tile from the 1940's. Made in France. limited quantity available.
Categories: Tile > Antique Ceramic Tile
Google Category: Hardware > Painting & Wall Covering Supplies
SKU(s): 121049